What Is Technology and How Does It Affect Society?
Technology is the tools and machines humans use to solve real-world problems. It may include simple tools, such as a crowbar or wooden spoon, and complex machines, such as a space station or particle accelerator. It also includes non-material technology, such as software and business methods.
Technology affects all aspects of society and life. Generally, it is believed that this relationship is symbiotic and co-dependent, as technology influences culture and vice versa. It is the study of this relationship that falls under Science and Technology Studies (STS).
A few examples of technologies are:
Digital communication: Technology enables easier, cheaper and more efficient ways to communicate with others around the world. It can also help save costs in terms of energy and time.
EdTech: Educational technology enables students to learn at their own pace and in the style that best suits them. It also improves their cognitive skills, which leads to better academic performance.
Automation: Technology helps automate processes and systems in order to increase efficiency and reduce human error. This results in cost savings for the company and better productivity for employees.
Scientific knowledge is essential to the advancement of Technology. Scientists, mathematicians and engineers play a particularly important role by considering the benefits, side effects, risks and social implications of new technology. However, it is often difficult to predict the effects of new technology before it is introduced. Socio-economic factors like consumer acceptance, patent laws, funding sources, regulations, and the availability of risk capital have a strong influence on the choice and success of technologies.