What is a Casino?
A casino is a building that houses a variety of gambling activities. It may also include entertainment options like restaurants, bars and theaters. Many casinos are built to be luxurious destinations in picturesque settings. Others feature state-of-the-art entertainment centers and shopping opportunities.
Casinos often have elaborate security systems in place. They use cameras to monitor their patrons and can spot a number of blatant cheating techniques, such as palming or marking cards. Security personnel can also see what other patrons are doing at table games and watch their reactions to the outcome of a hand or a spin of the wheel.
Some casinos are designed for high rollers, and offer free or reduced-fare transportation, hotel rooms and show tickets to players. Others reward regular customers with free food and drinks or even limo service and airline tickets. These rewards are known as comps. Casinos often track player play and offer players a rating based on how much they bet, and for how long.
For most of the nation’s history, gambling was illegal. This didn’t stop people from gambling, but it did keep the business from growing into a legitimate industry until Nevada legalized casino gambling in 1931. Once other states saw the money that could be made, they began to allow it. The growth of the casino industry continues today. The Venetian Macao in China is the world’s largest casino, with 550,000 square feet of gaming space and more than 3,000 rooms.