Traveling and Hotels
Traveling and hotels is an industry that contains a wide range of different businesses. There are many different aspects that make up this industry, some of which include amusement parks, lodging properties and even airlines. The travel and hotel management program at UNOH offers students the opportunity to learn about these diverse areas of the industry while gaining hands on experience.
Lodging properties can be categorized into three distinct groups based on the reason for travelers’ stay. The first category, business travellers, typically makes up the majority of room bookings for hotels. These travellers are usually frequent guests, requiring consistent service and amenities such as meeting space, internet and business centre facilities.
Another group is pleasure travellers, whose main objectives are relaxation and leisure. This market segment is important to the hospitality industry as well, requiring services and accommodations such as a hotel spa, golf course or good food and beverages. Other leisure activities may include guided tours, pilgrimage or medical / health care.
Finally, there are those that enjoy the sharing economy and accommodation alternatives such as Airbnb and vacation rentals. These accommodations allow a higher degree of flexibility and customization, but come with varying degrees of quality and safety. It is important for travellers to research these options thoroughly and understand the benefits and drawbacks of each before deciding. It is also vital to find recommendations from trustworthy sources such as friends or family members who have experienced these accommodation alternatives firsthand.