The Importance of Technology in Education
Technology is the term used to describe the tools that humans use to transmit information, exchange ideas, and express emotions. It encompasses the wide range of electronic devices, software, and hardware that humans use everyday.
It can be categorized as soft or hard technologies depending on the applications and fields they are utilized in. There are many soft technologies that relate to economy, management and administration and sociology while the hard technologies are mainly related to physics and chemistry.
In the classroom, technology can enhance learning by facilitating communication between students and teachers, providing access to resources beyond the textbook, allowing students to have a voice in their learning and promoting student agency. It can also help students develop fundamental skills that will prepare them for independent learning.
The development of new technology is often a process that involves trial and error. It can take many years to reach a product that is useful and practical.
During this time, it is essential to measure success and failure of a project in order to evaluate its value to the company. This helps to determine if further investments are necessary.
A common issue with early technologies is that they are based on scientific truths but require more trial and error than they should. This can be frustrating for the companies who are funding the development of these technologies.
Schatzberg argues that we need to adopt a more creative and morally responsible way of talking about technology. He identifies two’sharply diverging traditions’ of the discussion, one instrumental and one normative, and calls for an intervention.