Mental Wellbeing and Relationships


Relationships are a huge part of life and can range from close and intimate to distant and challenging. Different types of relationships help make up the social support network that’s so crucial to our physical and mental health.

Healthy relationship relationships include people we trust to care for us and listen to us, a sense of mutuality or interdependence, regular interactions, a sense of belonging, shared beliefs and values, respect for one another’s unique individuality, and a commitment to making the relationship work. Some common relationship challenges include communication problems, differences in values or priorities, conflicts over finances, and a lack of intimacy.

Intimacy is often thought of as sex but it can also mean cuddling, kissing, and bonding. While many people enjoy sex in their relationships, it’s not required for a healthy relationship. The key is a healthy amount of mutually satisfying intimate connection and an open and honest discussion of needs, expectations, and boundaries.

Intimate relationships can be the source of great joy and a sense of stability in life. But they can also bring stress, feelings of insecurity or jealousy, and other difficulties. When we’re in a good, healthy relationship, it can be comforting to know that someone is always there for us and will not leave. And in a world where loneliness is a real concern, having a supportive relationship can have significant positive effects on mental wellbeing. Whether they’re a sounding board, a shoulder to lean on, or just someone who makes you forget about everything, a loving partner can have a profound effect on our lives.