A Framework For Understanding Spirituality

Spirituality is a broad term that describes the quest to find meaning in life. It may include the practice of religion, but it can also exist without that. It is different from emotional wellbeing, though it overlaps. It involves finding a connection with something larger than yourself, and it can lead to positive emotions such as peace, gratitude, and awe.

The definition of spirituality is often debated and interpreted differently. It is a difficult concept to study because of this lack of clarity. Surveys of scholarly articles and books on spirituality show that there are many different, often unrelated, definitions of what is meant by the term. This can make it difficult for researchers to understand what is being measured and communicate their results.

This article presents a framework for understanding spirituality that can help to clarify what is being measured and how. It is intended to provide a common ground for discussion of spirituality, so that researchers and practitioners can better design and comprehend the measures they are using.

People who are spiritual often focus on their beliefs and values and are more likely to live with a built-in community of like-minded people. They are more likely to practice stress-management techniques, such as meditation, and to avoid unhealthy coping behaviors such as overeating and excessive drinking. They are more likely to believe in a higher power and to follow a moral code, such as the law of karma, which states that your actions have consequences for the future.